Friday 21 April 2017

Props List & Costume

List of props used throughout filming my opening sequence:

-Mobile Phones
-Nature (fields, trees, river)
-Pin Wall
-Social Media Sites

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


Throughout the process of constructing this product I have learnt to effectivley use the editing software 'Premiere' using a variation of editing techniques such as colour effects, time lapses and inserting titles. I also learnt how to use Premiere to remove background noise from sound clips, which was essential to my own product because the only dialogue in my opening sequence was a voice-over I had recorded previously, and there was static background noise behind my voice that I needed to remove to make my voice over sound more professional.


I used an iPhone 5S voice recording application to record my voice over monologue and transported it to the apple mac and converted the file into a format suitable for the Premiere software. Prior to this project, I wouldn't have had the knowledge to do this, and now I have the experience and could further use Premier editing software and other technologies such as iphones and apple macs for projects in the future.


From the process of constructing my media product, I have learnt how to use professional cameras in a variation of shots and techniques, including panning shots, high/low angle shots, zooming and blur effects. It has helped me further my understanding of using filming technologies and how to use a camera to portray a multitude of different themes and narratives.