Friday 23 September 2016

Camera Angles - Continuity Exercise Prep

In one of our recent lessons we revised over and learnt new camera angles, and were given a list of those we should consider using in our continuity exercise. These included:

  • Extreme Close Up (ECU)
  • Big Close Up (BCU)
  • Close Up (CU)
  • Medium Close Up (MCU)
  • Medium Shot (MS)
  • Medium Long Shot (MLS)
  • Long Shot (LS)
  • Very Long/Wide Shoe (VLS)
  • 2 Shot
  • Over the shoulder (OTS)
  • High Angle
  • Low Angle
  • Tilted Frame
My group and I also spent time trying out these shots with our cameras, and we are aware thaat extreme close ups, close ups, high and low angles shots and over the shoulder shots are typically used frequently in thriller movies so focused mainly on these shots.

Image result for camera angles

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