Tuesday 13 December 2016

Analysis of The Secret Window

Image result for secret window opening sequence

Image result for secret window opening sequence

The film "The Secret Window" is a thriller directed by David Koepp. In the opening we see the protagonist, played by Johnny Depp, confronting his cheating wife and her lover, and we see that he is clearly distraught.

In the first shot we can see a close up shot of the protagonists face in a car. The colours are blue and grey, and these dark colours connote gloominess and winter. Koepp has used this shot to clearly portray the emotions of this charactcer. We also see the ring on his finger, suggesting he is married and planting narrative enigmas. The third shot is a long shot of the protagonist in the reception area of the motel. This shot shows the juxtaposition of cold and warm colours, adding texture to the film. The fourth shot of the car, showing the bright lights of the car's tail lights and the snow suggests it is night time and winter. The fifth shot is the establishing shot of the setting. The sixth camera shot is a two shot of two people in a bed, who we assume to be Depp's wife and her lover from his reaction to them. Throughout the sequence there is a monochromatic colour scheme of blue and grey's, connoting the depressed and distraught emotions of the protagonist being reflected in this way.

Image result for secret window opening sequence

When the sequence opens with the production logo we hear the non-digetic sound of what initially sounds like heart beats but a sound bridge reveals it is in fact the wiper blades of the car. We hear the non-digetic voice over saying "Don't go back there." which we initially believe to be someone else in the back of the car, but as we see the car is empty we can safely assume it is the protagonist's inner thoughts.

The Mise-En-Scene of dark, gloomy weather and snow suggests it is winter and the dark colour connotes feelings of depression and sadness. We see in the establishing shot the "Motel" sign which explains the setting. The difference in colour and aesthetic from outside and in the reception area of the motel suggests the feelings of isolation and lonliness in Depp's character. We also see the ring on Depp's finger, suggesting a narrative enigma in that he is married. Depp's unstylish, dark clothing suggests that he is distraught and struggling to cope.

In the first shot we see a very long take and slow pace in the editing, giving the viewer time to analyse the setting and aesthetic of Depp's character. We see a continuity error when Depp enters his wife's motel room, as we can hear him close the car door, however when he returns outside the door is wide open. After his wife and her lover is revealed, a fade edit is used to switch to water, juxtaposed to the original setting. Simultaneous to this, the digetic sound becomes distorted.

In conclusion, the monochromatic colour scheme and wintery mise-en-scene, variety of close up shots suggest a sombre and disturbing narrative, typical of pyschological thrillers.

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