Tuesday 13 December 2016

Research of Media Theorists


Image result for proppPropps character theory suggests the idea of certain character roles within film that are vital to the structure of the piece. Traditionally there is a male "hero" protagonist whose role is to restore the equilibrium. There is also typically an antagonist who causes the disequalibrium. The role of the dispatcher is the one who sends or prompts the protagonist to restore the equalibrium. There is also typically a sidekick role vital to the narrative. We of course tend to have the role of a heroine in need. We may sometimes see a false hero, who initially appears to be on the side of the protagonist but is actually part of the disequalibrium.


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Todorov's theory of narrative suggests that many films follow the same pattern and structure. He explains that typically films will start with a equalibrium, a state of peace and normality. A disequalibrium is then caused, disrupting this equalibrium. The narrative typically follows the protagonist in the attempt to restore the equalibrium, and sometimes the outcome is better than the original equalirbrium.

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Strauss's media theory suggests the idea of binary opposites, frequently used in the narrative plots of the action genre. The theory suggests the narrative of any given piece of film depending on binary opposites in characters and themes, such as: good vs evil, villain vs hero, dark vs light etc. They are used in film to reinforce the narrative and structure of the film.


Goodwin's media theory suggests that music videos are solely created to advertise products withing the industry, including location, artist and song. This can be explained through current electronics being shown continuously throughout the music video e.g Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines" and Beats Pill. An artist who has also dipped into acting may create a song and music video to promote a film, commonly using excerpts from the film in the music video e.g Will Smith "Men In Black."

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