Friday 12 May 2017

Note to the examiner.

Hi, my name is Jade Dibble and this year I worked independently  to create a thriller opening sequence. Initially I was part of a group of three but due to complications and disagreements in the group, I decided to work independently and thus took on the roles of filming, planning and editing. I enjoyed being able to express my creativity and have a physical representation of my ideas.

My sequence follows a disturbed, friendless teen who uses social media  to harrass and frighten her ex friends as a form of revenge, I followed the themes of internet catfishing and the growing obbsession and dependency with social media. You will find the first draft and final draft of my opening sequence below.

I really enjoyed this project and hope you enjoy watching.
Thank You.

First And Final Draft

These are my first and final draft of my film.

Sunday 7 May 2017

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?


Throughout the process of creating my full product, I have a much more extensive knowledge of editing software and editing techniques. From the preliminary task, my ability when it comes to editing has grown immensly, and I am now able to identify editing techniques typically connoted with the thriller genre and apply them to pieces of film. During our preliminary task and the continuity exercise, my editing was not smooth or skillful, but I am now able to produce good pieces of film. Due to the fact that the only dialogue in the piece was a recorded voice over, I had to learn how to remove background noise and remove sound altogether from the camera recorded clips, and layer sound over clips.


When I was part of a group and we began filming our original piece, we didn't take into account the appearence of our camera shots and issues with lighting, as we were filming outdoors and pimarily at night time. When we watched back over our camera shots and saw that they were too dark and the quality wasn't good enough or up to the standard that we wanted it to be, and so when I decided to work independently I chose to create a narrative that allowed me to film in the daytime in settings with the correct aesthetic. During the preliminary task, my group and I only used medium and long shots and didn't use a variation of different shots, whereas in my final full product I used a range of shots including panning shots, extreme close ups and over the shoulder shots, and I have learnt to identify the effectivness of particular shots in thriller.


The initial narrative my group and I decided on was social media based as we wanted the sequence to appeal to a young audeince by focusing on modern contemporary themes. The online YouTube community is one that is vastly growing and popular with young people, and so we chose that to be the basis of our narrative. However, when I began working independently I altered this to the use of social media and the "catfishing" trend online. This change in narrative turned out to be even more contemporary and easier to film, and through this process I learnt how to effectivley storyboard an edit storyboards, edit shots together and script write. I also had to write a monologue and learnt how to effectivley portray the narrative through the monologue voice over.

Overall, I learnt how to incooperate the the typical conventions of thriller within my own piece and effectivley research, plan and execute filming and editing.

Friday 21 April 2017

Props List & Costume

List of props used throughout filming my opening sequence:

-Mobile Phones
-Nature (fields, trees, river)
-Pin Wall
-Social Media Sites

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


Throughout the process of constructing this product I have learnt to effectivley use the editing software 'Premiere' using a variation of editing techniques such as colour effects, time lapses and inserting titles. I also learnt how to use Premiere to remove background noise from sound clips, which was essential to my own product because the only dialogue in my opening sequence was a voice-over I had recorded previously, and there was static background noise behind my voice that I needed to remove to make my voice over sound more professional.


I used an iPhone 5S voice recording application to record my voice over monologue and transported it to the apple mac and converted the file into a format suitable for the Premiere software. Prior to this project, I wouldn't have had the knowledge to do this, and now I have the experience and could further use Premier editing software and other technologies such as iphones and apple macs for projects in the future.


From the process of constructing my media product, I have learnt how to use professional cameras in a variation of shots and techniques, including panning shots, high/low angle shots, zooming and blur effects. It has helped me further my understanding of using filming technologies and how to use a camera to portray a multitude of different themes and narratives.

Thursday 30 March 2017

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract your audience?


The characters in my media product are all teenagers, helping all teenagers relate to the characters and their issues with friendship and social problems. These teenagers fit the stereotype of being absorbed in technology and social media, and being vulnerable and gullible (falling for the "catfish"/fake account.) I have also used both male and female characters to attract both genders and multiple social groups.

I have used fast paced and quick cut editing to keep the audiences attention and conform to typical conventions of thriller products and keep the audience engaged adn on edge.The quiet, tense music throughout leaves the audience engaged and on their toes, which from my survey I can see young people enjoy in thrillers. The voice over monologue of the antagonist's struggle as a teenager which my target audience of teenagers can relate to and sympathise with.

The storyline focuses on the struggles in teen life, the obsession with social media and technology, cyber bullying, harrassment and vulnerability, and puts forward a moral message of internet safety, which would appeal to a younger audience as these are common issues teenagers in today's society face, appealling to them as they may find themselves identifying not only with the characters, but also with the narrative itself.

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the target audience for your media product?
Image result for netflix logoImage result for teenagers
My target audience for my media product would be young people from the ages of 16-25. At the start of the year I conducted a survey on 16&17 year olds on their preffered type of media product and 57% of them voted for pyschological thrillers. Being 17 myself, I know that my friends and I enjoy pyschological thrillers and horror thrillers. I alos wanted to my young people my target audience because the characters themselves are teenagers and struggle with common topics in teenage life such as the craze with social media and troubles in friendship groups and social life, so a younger audience can relate to the characters in my triller. The platform on which I would distribute my media product is Netflix, widely used as a film subscription service as an alternative to physical DVD or cinema, vastly popular with young people, and marketed through social media that primarily reaches the younger generation.