Thursday 30 March 2017

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract your audience?


The characters in my media product are all teenagers, helping all teenagers relate to the characters and their issues with friendship and social problems. These teenagers fit the stereotype of being absorbed in technology and social media, and being vulnerable and gullible (falling for the "catfish"/fake account.) I have also used both male and female characters to attract both genders and multiple social groups.

I have used fast paced and quick cut editing to keep the audiences attention and conform to typical conventions of thriller products and keep the audience engaged adn on edge.The quiet, tense music throughout leaves the audience engaged and on their toes, which from my survey I can see young people enjoy in thrillers. The voice over monologue of the antagonist's struggle as a teenager which my target audience of teenagers can relate to and sympathise with.

The storyline focuses on the struggles in teen life, the obsession with social media and technology, cyber bullying, harrassment and vulnerability, and puts forward a moral message of internet safety, which would appeal to a younger audience as these are common issues teenagers in today's society face, appealling to them as they may find themselves identifying not only with the characters, but also with the narrative itself.

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