Wednesday 22 February 2017

Second Edit

We visited the college again to utilise the editing facilities and complete a seond edit, now with the majority of my shots completed. I think that completing a first edit definitley gave me a clearer idea on how I wanted my finished product to look. I incorperated a range of extreme close ups of technology with panning shots of nature and trees to stress the juxtaposition of my character to the other characters.
I have editied in an omnious soundtrack of non-digetic music to play quietly over the entire 2 minute sequence.
 I also filmed a time lapse of each of the other cast members on siwngs together, to emphasise the closeness of the friendship group. When speeding this up by X100, it gave the selection of shots an awkward and jumpy feel, typical of thrillers. I need to revisit the college a third and final time to edit in the monologue I have already recorded and create my titles.

I have also filmed and edited panning shots of pictures of the other characters and myself pinned onto a wall and have created a time-lapse of me physically pinning them to the wall. I have also then later in the sequence filmed an identical pan of the photos with the eyes of the characters other than myself crossed out in red pen, inspired by "se7en."

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