Wednesday 22 February 2017

Voice-Over Script

"83 million social media accounts are fake. One of them is me. Every friendship group has an outsider - and that was me. We were a tight-knit friendship group, we always had  good time. We did everything together, until they pushed me out. Josh was always too busy for anyone, especially me. He didn't like being ignored back. Hannah was the pretty one, never me, and she knew it. Jasmine was the smartest. Not so smart these days though. I know more about them than they think. They have no idea. Caitlin was the leader of the group who made all the decsions, always. Not anymore. Together they thought they were so special. Me? I was the outsider."

Once I had completed my second edit of my title sequence I wrote a voice-over monologue from the antogonists inner thoughts which I will later edit in as non-digetic soundtrack. My voiceover will provide viewers with a more clear narrative as there is no digetic sound in the sequence. I wrote the monolgue in time to correspond with certain shots.

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