Sunday 29 January 2017

Changes, Developments & Storyboard

Due to disagreements and conflict that cannot be resolved within our filming team, we have decided it will be most beneficial for all of our opening sequences if we split into two groups. For the rest of this project I am going to be working independently. I have been inspired by the reality TV show catfish, which entails fake social media accounts stalking and pyschologically abusing people over the internet. Because I still wanted to incorperate the technological themes in my independent project, I have decided  on an online stalker/catfish narrative. I have created a sotryboard of shots to work from over the next week (as follows.) I want to work with the juxtaposition of technology and nature with including shots of trees contrasting with the technology and social media heavily incorperated within the opening. As it is January, trees are still without leaves, which creates an omnious and creepy atmosphere, which I want in my thriller.

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