Sunday 29 January 2017

Unfriended - Exsiting Technological Thriller Analysis


Related imageUnfriended is a very interesting opening sequence to analyse becuase the entire movie is seen through a computer screen. Unfriended is a huge inspiration to my groups ideas for our opening sequence as we liked the technological themes because it is very current, and has an element of social realism. The establishing shot is of a live stream website page, titled "Laura Barns Suicide," establishing the genre as a thriller, and quite a dark one due to the connotations of death. The video shows a young girl shooting herself, and it has clearly benen filmed on a phone camera, making it very realistic and the simplicity of the filming through a phone is juxtaposed to the shocking suicide, making it that much more shocking and disrupting. We also see another self-filmed shot of what lead to the suicide, but all we see is a teenage girl who is unconsious, which we can assume to be due to alcohol. 

Related imageOn the screen we can see multiple computer tabs, making it very current as they are all current websites and social media sites commonly used. We can also tell from the layout of the computer screen that it is an apple computer, suggesting the antagonist is wealthy. We want to use this tactic in our opening sequence, as well as live action shots we want to include some shots of a computer screen and social media accounts, to add that technological element to the stalker theme.

While the computer user is using several different applications, it recieves a sudden facetime call, which shocks the viewer as it was silent before. This is something I could incorperate and use in my thriller opening, to grab the attention of the audience and create tension that is conventional of a thriller. Throughout the opening sequence it is mostly silent apart from noise from videos and the facetime call ring tone, however we can hear typing and mouse clicking through the computer, adding to the realistic quality of the sequence and making it interesting and quirky, as the whole movie is.

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