Friday 13 January 2017

Research Into Thriller Titles

The typography of the titles in thriller are very significant to opening sequence. I am going to look at several iconic opening thriller sequences to look at their titles to give us ideas for our own titles. I will look at some stills of thrillers and some moving sequences.

Related imageThe titles for "Seven" are intriuging because they use a play on words and use a "7" in replacement of the "V" in "Seven," representative of the seven deadly sins, This co-operates with the thriller genre and plants narrative enigmas right from the showing of this first title. The colour of the typography is white on a black background, and in its simplicity puts the focus on the word play in the title itself. The typography is intended to look jagged, but to me looks like

Image result for insidious titlesThe titles for "Insidious" are very conventional of the thriller genre, with thin, gothic typography that is red, connoting death, danger and blood, all typical of the thriller genre. From viewing the film myself first hand I can also add that this particular title is only shown for a matter of seconds at the climax of suspensful music, which is shocking and jumpy, similiar to the whole asthetic of the film.

Image result for shutter island titles

The titles for Shutter Island are interesting because the onomatapeic word "shutter"  is represented with the jagged style of typography. The typography is also big and bold, in the shocking bold manner that the film portrays, and again blacck and white, putting the actual title in focus.

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