Monday 20 March 2017

Voice Over Inspirations

Image result for deadpoolThe use of voice over/monologues is becoming a prominent feature in films as it helps to further deepen and explain the narrative and the inner thoughts of the characters. A prime example of where a voice over in film is used effectively is in the latest addition to the marvel movie franchise, Deadpool.

Throughout the film, the protagonist of Deadpool, played by Ryan Reynolds, provides a comedic voice over and monologue of his inner thoughts and dillemmas, and differently to my own voice over, the mise-en-scene and action around the protagonist freezes every time he provides commentary .
Image result for deadpool
The voice over is effective because it adds to the comedic value of the film, and while that's not what I want for my own project, I have found it to add an eeriness and deepend the pyschological theme further, and I think it is interesting and unique to hear the inside of a pychopaths brain, and essentailly hear the inner monologue of the "Bad Guy" in a product rather than the protagonist.

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