Tuesday 28 March 2017

Exsisting Similar Product - "Friend Request"

Similarly to my previously analysed 2014 film "Unfriended," in 2016 "Friend Request" was released, produced by Weidmann & Berg Film Production. The narrative follows a young female who unfriends a suspicious facebook account and begins to resent her friends. The links between this narrative and my own are clear, the seemingly fake social media account harrassing a young female lead character, and the social issues faced by said character within her friendship group. Multiple shots of the female protagonist using technological appliences such as laptops and mobile phones are used, similarly to my own product, representing the stereotypical view of teenagers and young people and the "addiction" to technology. Also in comparison to my own product, the film uses an overlay editing effect of messgaes over digetic shots of the protagonist using a mobile phone, showing her thriving social life, as the atagonist in my own product speaks about having in the voice over monologue, as the equilibrium before the start of my thriller. To juxtapose the excessive use of technology, "Friend Request" also uses a range of outdoor shots, in the same way I have in my own product. The tagline for the movie is "Be Careful Who You Click With," an interesting play on words and metaphor for the carelessness of young people of social media, the whole basis for the narrative.

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